Make sure your money, property, possessions and investments go to the people and causes you care about.

Planning and making a Will be a very cost effective way of making the right plans for your family. A good Will can cover many eventualities.
Making a Will can seem like a huge step but we are here to help you. We will take time to listen to your needs and we will make every effort to explain matters carefully, give you some things to think about and to fulfil your instructions and help you make your Will. Our prices start at £150 plus vat for a simple Will appointing a single executor and leaving everything to them.
Here are some examples of the average costs of making different types of Will.
Making a Will appointing your spouse/partner/family member to be an executor and leaving everything to your spouse/partner with a gift in substitution to children or other family members will be around £200 – £350 plus VAT.
If you make a Will appointing executors and trustees and then leaving several gifts of money, maybe some gifts to charities and the residue of your estate (the residue is whatever is left after payment of debts, expenses and inheritance tax) to more than one person and if some of those gifts are to children under 18 then the cost would be around £450 plus VAT.
Tell us what you want to do and we will give you clear information so you can budget for your legal costs. We can give you the right advice on how to plan for the future and help you make a Will that will last into the future.
Planning and making a Will which can cover many eventualities and can be a very cost effective way of making the right plans for your family. The first step is so easy. We will send you a form to complete. It will prompt you to get thinking about who will be your executors. It will help you get all your information together-such as your beneficiaries full correct names and addresses. The first step will cost you nothing but it will put you on the right road to sorting out your affairs properly.
Contact our professional team on 0161 445 0588 or email one of our lawyers with you enquiry below.
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Harry Boodhoo

Cecilia O'Donoghue
Harry Boodhoo solicitors provide a full range of legal services to both private and commercial clients. We offer experienced and effective legal advice delivered to you in a simple, straightforward and cost effective professional manner.