Our private client department with such a range of legal services ensures that our client’s best interests remain our priority.

Our Private Client Department has a range of legal services to ensure our clients’ best interests remain our priority.
Click on the questions or arrow to the right to reveal the answers to these questions, this may hopefully help you and if you require any further advice please use the various contact options provided within our website to contact a member of the Harry Boodhoo & Co. team.
Feel free to call our professional team for a free, no obligation informal discussion where we can chat about your particular requirements in more detail.
I am buying a house. I have just made an offer which has been accepted by the seller and the Estate Agents are asking me for details of my solicitor. I have been recommended to your firm but I don’t know where to start. How much will it cost, who will do the work for me and how do I get to see you?
No problem. Just ring Harry or Rohan on 0161 445 0588 or simply email either of them directly at harry@boodhoo.co.uk or rohan@harryboodhoo.co.uk. You will get a speedy and friendly response with full details of what its going to cost if you instruct our firm and the first step you need to take. You can let the Estate Agents know right away so there’s no delay. You will find or costs very reasonable and you will get a personal service.
I have just accepted an offer to sell my house! What do I do now?
Give us a call – Harry or Rohan and get selling! They will tell you how much it is going to cost and start preparing your paperwork as soon as possible to move along your sale. If you have Estate Agents give them our details.
I am planning to buy a restaurant and I’ve found the perfect place. Apparently I have to take over a lease and pay a deposit. What exactly is a commercial lease? How long will it last? What's my next step?
Take some legal advice before you pay a deposit. Give Harry a call. He has over 35 years’ experience in buying, transferring and selling business leases and he will guide you through the next step to take to secure your future business and advise you step by step throughout the process.
My business lease is up for renewal and the landlord wants to double the rent and to change some of the clauses! I need some advice about whether the landlord can do that and what will be the consequences if I am not happy with the landlord’s proposals. What do I do?
Business leases can be complicated and full of risks and obligations that sometimes are not quite clearly understood. Some of the language seems ancient, it is not simple straightforward English and it is often difficult to understand. Get your copy lease together along with the landlord’s proposals and give Harry a call. You will be able to see him and discuss the proposals with him. It is really important to get the right advice before entering into an agreement that can last for many years.
My daughter and her boyfriend are going to buy a house. At last! They already have a mortgage in place but they just can’t seem to find a property to suit them. Suddenly a property has become available but it is in an auction and they need to be ready for action if their bid is successful. The prospect of a property auction is daunting and they will need to act quickly if they get the house. Will you be their solicitors?
Yes we can do that. You have to move quickly if you buy a property in an auction and it does come with risk. They can give Harry or Rohan a call to discuss or send them an email. If your daughter and her boyfriend have their bid accepted we will be there by their side and ready to go. Tell them good luck!
I want to make a Will but I do not know where to start. I want to leave everything to my niece because she has been so lovely and looked after me so well. I don’t know whether I have to say exactly what I am going to leave to her or whether I can just make a general gift and at the same time I would like to leave some of my jewellery to my daughter. How on earth do I get started?
The first step is easy. We send you a questionnaire. It is absolutely free of charge. The questions make you think about the information you need to get ready to prepare your Will. It is the first step and it is very easy and it gets you thinking. Once you have completed the form drop it in with us or email it to cecilia@harryboodhoo.co.uk and we will be happy to give you a call or have a meeting about the sort of gifts you might want to make and how to go about carrying out your wishes in a Will. Once you have a better idea of how it all works you will feel much more confident and if you decide to go ahead and make a Will then we will be there to take you through that process. Making arrangements can sometimes feel so complicated but once you have talked it through, the mist will clear and your options are usually very straightforward.
I want to make a simple Will leaving everything to my husband and if he dies before me then to go to my children. I also have some grandchildren. I do not know if they can inherit before reaching 18. What I want to do is quite straightforward but I don’t want to spend a lot of money making a Will. Can you help?
It sounds like the Will you want to make will be very straightforward. Give us a call and talk it through. Our costs start at £150 plus VAT and it sounds like that will mostly cover your situation. It is important to have a Will made by a solicitor because then you know it is a valid Will and it will stand the test of time. If you are going to make a Will and you are leaving everything you own then this is a very important step.
I love my dog. If I die I want to make sure she is looked after. She has been a loyal and faithful companion to me. Can I put this in my Will?
Yes of course. It is not an unusual wish and we are happy to incorporate that in your Will. It doesn’t make it a more expensive or complicated Will – give us a call if you would like to discuss. Our charges start at £150 plus VAT. It is great to see that your loved ones including your pets are looked after when you pass on.
When I die I definitely want to leave some money to my local Church. I want the money to be used by the Church because I know it needs a lot of repairs and it would give me great pleasure if there was something that I could do for a place that has served me so well during my lifetime. At the same time I don’t want all my money to be lost in a general gift to the hierarchial organisation in my religion. How can I make sure that the money I leave goes to the charity I want it to go to and be used for purposes I would like?
Leaving money to charities can be tricky. With the right wording you can ensure that your gift goes to where it was intended. Making a charitable gift in a Will is always a good idea. If your estate is likely to attract inheritance tax then it can also be cost effective in saving inheritance tax. Give us a call to discuss.